Fat cows, trashed Morass. Macleod Morass and the effects of illegal grazing.

The Macleod Morass State Reserve is Ramsar listed and fenced to protect it from livestock damage. To the neighbouring farmer that doesn’t seem to matter. Is this flouting of the law and damage caused acceptable? These photos may help you decide.

 GoYourHardest MorassDamageCausedByCattle FatCowsTrashedMorass

In comparison this frontage has been spared from grazing to date.

As a side note: Martin O’Brien, Wildlife Biologist – Threatened Species & Communities Section, DSE visited Macleod Morass recently and saw a handful of Royal Spoonbills which may have been nesting.

Royal Spoonbills are restricted colonial breeding waterbirds in Victoria, so any nesting needs to be reported.

Martin is keen to hear of anyone’s experience for this site. His contact details are: martin.obrien@dse.vic.gov.au