McGees Gully Rehabilitation ?

FOGL worked in 2016 with other Community groups on plans to further rehabilitation works begun by EGSC and EG Water on McGees Gully in Bairnsdale. McGees Gully has an interesting history and McGees Gully Creek is an important waterway which runs from town into McLeods Morass.

The project, if approved and funded, would have included a Shared Path and new signage highlighting the history of McGees Gully and the native flora and fauna found in the area, providing East Gippsland residents and visitors with a very interesting path along McGees Gully down to the Morass.

FOGL representatives Anne Schmidli and Bill Cotter met with Frank McShane from EG Water, Anthony Nelson from EGSC and Bill Gamble from Mitchell River Rotary at the EG Water pumping station to discuss progress on the plans.
