Mathieson’s Paddock
milk carton guards were not beating the browsers – a refresh with stronger guards on Sunday 21 June
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Friends of the Gippsland Lakes, Parks & Reserves (FoGL) has serious concerns in relation to the impact the proposed Bosworth Road bypass would have on the Macleod Morass Reserve and its significant ecology and wildlife…
“FoGL emphasizes that environmental health and biodiversity underpin everything else.”
Concluding Comments: “FoGL stresses a fire ecology strategy needs to be developed and implemented that protects and enhances our biodiversity and is based on the best-available scientific evidence.” … ” We feel that a public awareness campaign needs to be mounted that challenges, with scientific evidence, the belief that planned burns protect communities and do no harm to wildlife and biodiversity.”
FoGL Submission to the Inspector General for Emergency Management
Be on the lookout for banded Pacific Gulls – alive or dead.
A number of people have been banding Pacific Gulls over the past few years: – Clive Minton and the Victorian Wader Study Group, around Victoria – Peter Dann, at Phillip Island, Victoria – Bill Wakefield, around Hobart, Tasmania – Cath Meathrel, in the Furneaux Group, Tasmania – me, Bruce Robertson, in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia.
All birds have at least one band, of stainless steel. Some birds were also banded with a unique colour combination using Darvic/plastic bands. Others were banded with a large aluminium band with a unique number stamped four times around the band.
From previous recoveries of banded birds, we know that first year birds from last breeding season will be doing their post-fledging dispersal now. We also know that up to 50% of all first year birds will die before their first birthday.
In 2006 Bruce Robertson banded over 500 chicks on Goose Island, Tasmania. This is the most birds ever banded in the one place at the one time. It gives us a unique chance to investigate post-fledging dispersal. It also is our best ever chance to find out whether any birds move north to Victoria, across Bass Strait.
We need the help of people like you who are to be our eyes and ears for us around coastal Victoria.
Bands recovered from dead birds can be sent to the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme, GPO Box 8, Canberra 2601.
Sight records, even without full details, are still of value to Bruce. Please let him know of the whereabouts of any live banded birds that you see.
Bruce Robertson 16 Ellen Close Warragul 3820 Mobile: 0427 231 344 Fax: 0356 236 327 Email:
After FoGL’s successful removal of the invasive weed sea spurge Euphorbia paralias l from Barrier Landing and a part of Rigby Island last year, a follow up weed removal event took place on October 10, 2013. This was done in conjunction with Parks Victoria and the Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group.
Two areas were targeted. The first was the area around Barrier Landing that was worked on last year. The second was a part of Rigby Island frequented by Little Terns and Fairy Terns. These birds require an open sandy area on which to build their nests and lay their eggs but sea spurge growth has reduced the available nesting area. These migratory birds are due back in the Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park soon.
Two FoGL members, 7 Landcare members, 2 Parks Victoria Rangers and Little Tern expert Faye Bedford (DEPI) were able to successfully weed both areas. In the previously weeded Barrier Landing area, there has been a substantial reduction in flowering plants, and the small seedlings which regrew were easily removed. With ongoing work on these sites, this invasive weed is very likely to be kept under control.