• Silt Jetties Brochure

    The Mitchell River delta and its silt jetties, is one of the world’s mostsignificant ‘finger’ deltas and 6,000 to 10,000 years old. Download this useful brochure and before going to visit the Silt Jetties Download ——————–

  • FoGL joins Landcare and becomes a registered charity

    FOGL has successfully completed two new initiatives

  • Water Quality Testing Begins

    Have a look at our new Water Quality Testing page to learn all about it.

  • Membership

    How to become a member of FoGL and get involved in our activities.

  • Like our Facebook page

    See us on our Facebook page and be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW ( click on the logo below )

  • FOGL Restarts Lakes WaterWatch program

    FOGL in partnership with the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority has restarted the Lakes WaterWatch water quality monitoring program. The Waterwatch program lapsed during Covid except for two automated sites monitored by EGCMA and others along Forge Creek monitored by Romawi Landcare. Now with a new group of volunteers FOGL will start monitoring 4 sites…

  • Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan Renewal

    The Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site is one of twelve wetlands listed under the Ramsar Convention in Victoria and is recognised for its significant coastal wetland values and features, including vital habitat for migratory bird species. The site supports other crucial ecosystem services including nationally and internationally threatened wetland species, waterbird breeding and fish spawning sites.…

  • Rotamah Island Bird Observatory working bee

    In 2015 FOGL joined members of Rotamah Island Bird Observatory Inc for a working bee at the old bird observatory homestead.  Several members arrived on Friday afternoon and others throughout Saturday.

  • McGees Gully Rehabilitation ?

    FOGL worked in 2016 with other Community groups on plans to further rehabilitation works begun by EGSC and EG Water on McGees Gully in Bairnsdale. McGees Gully has an interesting history and McGees Gully Creek is an important waterway which runs from town into McLeods Morass. The project, if approved and funded, would have included…

  • 2016 Plans to Protect and Rehabilitate the Silt Jetties into the Future

    UPDATE 2023 : it appears some of this never happened. Why ? FOGL members gathered in 2016 at the Silt Jetties to hear from Parks Victoria’s Sean Phillipson, Manager for Regional Delivery, about plans to protect and rehabilitate this special part of the Gippsland Lakes. As a stakeholder having had major projects along the Silt…

  • North Silt Jetties (The Cut) rejuvenation

    A FoGL working bee on the north arm of silt jetties in 2016 for plant maintenance and rubbish collection.  Good weather and comaraderie made for a great morning. This is such a beautiful and peaceful part of the Gippsland Lakes –  a wonderful place in which to spend several hours working. FoGL volunteers collected several…

  • FOGL Submission to the Victorian Legislative Council

    It appears to FOGL that under the current regime we are destroying critical habitat and putting our precious biodiversity at risk under the misguided and unfounded assumption that doing so will protect private property, when overwhelmingly the scientific evidence indicates burning the bush will NOT achieve this protection. This seems seriously flawed and will lead…

  • Shoreline geomorphology and fringing vegetation of the Gippsland Lakes

    This review in 2015 covered the existing literature, both from published sources and from unpublished consultants’ reports, on the form and evolution of the Gippsland Lakes, the variety of vegetation that fringes the Lakes’ shorelines, and the way both have changed since European colonization of the Gippsland region. The next step in the first stage…

  • Submission to Inquiry into Control of Invasive Animals

    FOGL called on the Government to act to protect our National Parks and public land for their natural values and biodiversity. FoGL Submission on Inquiry into Control of Invasive Animals on Crown Land