An important part of FoGL’s advocacy role is to make submissions where the Lakes may be involved or affected. This is a significant effort involving many hours of research and work by our volunteers.

Management Plan Submissions

There are approximately 10 different agencies and authorities that have some responsibility or input into management of the Lakes eco-systems. Some of these agencies are designated as “lead agency” for developing and updating various management plans. We believe this in itself is an issue and consolidation and integration of the Lakes management is desperately needed.

Ramsar Site Management Plan Renewal Submission

The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority is the responsible authority for maintaining Ramsar status of the Lakes as identified by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. How EGCMA propose to achieve this is described in the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan which is due for renewal in 2024. FoGL in partnership with Gippsland Environment Group made a substantial submission during the public consultation process. Our full submission can be found here . EGCMA evaluated the over 20 submissions made. EGCMA’s final report and findings on the consultations and submissions can be found here. No further consultation will occur before the final plan is issued. FoGL and GEG along with other groups that made submissions still have significant issues with the final proposed plan as it stands and further action may be forthcoming.

Coastal and Marine Management Plan Submission

East Gippsland Shire Council is the designated lead agency for developing the Coastal and Marine Management Plan for the Gippsland Lakes area, as required by legislation under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018. The CMMP is meant to be a “local scale strategic plan that serves as the primary tool for the management of all marine and coastal Crown land”. The plan is currently under renewal and EGSC have been conducting public consultations. The findings and proposed final plan are available for comment on the EGSC YourSay site HERE and close on 24th June 2024.

FoGL and GEG have made a submission outlining what we believe are the key issues with the proposed new plan. This can be found here

We have also produced a submission guide which outlines the issues with the proposed plan as we see them and can be used by individuals or groups to include in their own submissions if they wish. This can be found HERE

Submissions to Councils

We also make submissions to the two main councils that cover the Lakes ( Wellington Shire and East Gippsland Shire ) where we think the Lakes may be impacted by planning and other policies.