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FOGL Restarts Lakes WaterWatch program

FOGL in partnership with the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority has restarted the Lakes WaterWatch water quality monitoring program.

The Waterwatch program lapsed during Covid except for two automated sites monitored by EGCMA and others along Forge Creek monitored by Romawi Landcare.

Now with a new group of volunteers FOGL will start monitoring 4 sites across Lake King – at Pt Fullarton, Jones Bay, Macleods Morass and three sites on the Tambo River.

More sites will come on line with more ‘citizen science’ volunteers and when more testing kits become available through funding.

Sites are tested monthly for pH, salinity/EC, turpidity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients using a range of calibrated instruments. Results are recorded on the CMA WaterWatch database and compared with data collected prior to the pandemic pause.

This is a long term program with FOGL actively recruiting new volunteers, providing training and support to monitor and safeguard this valuable natural and unique resource.

If you are interested in participating please contact us at

Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan Renewal

The Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site is one of twelve wetlands listed under the Ramsar Convention in Victoria and is recognised for its significant coastal wetland values and features, including vital habitat for migratory bird species. The site supports other crucial ecosystem services including nationally and internationally threatened wetland species, waterbird breeding and fish spawning sites.

The current Ramsar Site Management plan ( 2015) is being renewed and reissued by the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority.

FoGL in conjunction with Gippsland Environment Group ( GEG ) made a detailed submission on the proposed plan. There were also a number of other submissions from well regarded groups raising significant questions and issues with the proposed plan as it stands.

We intend to publish our full submission here once feedback and the promised public response from EGCMA is available.

Meanwhile you can monitor the progress on the plan on the Engage Victoria website

Rotamah Island Bird Observatory working bee

In 2015 FOGL joined members of Rotamah Island Bird Observatory Inc for a working bee at the old bird observatory homestead.  Several members arrived on Friday afternoon and others throughout Saturday.

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