Spring comes to Macleod Morass
Friends of the Parks and Reserves of the Gippsland Lakes (FoGL) held a very well attended Springtime walk at Macleod Morass on Saturday October 13th. After the rejuvenation of Winter and Spring, the Morass is a hive of activity.
This 520 hectare fresh water marsh is part of a worldwide scheme to protect and enhance wetland habitat. Spring is probably the best time of year to appreciate the breadth of its wildlife.
The walk through the Morass was led by Jim Reside of Wildlife Unlimited, a professional environmental consultancy based in Bairnsdale which works internationally as well as throughout Australia.
The Morass has been under threat by the rampant growth of Cumbungi, which has made it difficult for birds to move through and nest. Birdlife EAST Gippsland has previously recorded 155 species in this area. Bairnsdaleās Head Ranger Jeremy Tscharke described how Parks Victoria had approached the management of this important area which is subject to the conditions of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act.