
AGM Wednesday 3 August

Guest Speaker

Over the past year FOGL has been involved with other partners in developing a research project to examine the extent of the impact of introduced species on native flora in the Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park One contributor throughout this process has been Bruce Macpherson, Course Coordinator, Conservation and Land Management East Gippsland Institute of TAFE, Forestech Campus. Bruce has spent a great deal of time working with us on Boole Poole to examine the revegetation process following a controlled DSE burns. He has provided a great deal of support in the development of the methodology and supported our efforts to gain funding for the project. This will be an opportunity to meet with Bruce and learn more of the biodiversity and the challenges to sustainability areas around the Gippsland Lakes.

To be held at: Grand Terminus Hotel cnr. Macleod St & Service St Bairnsdale
Time: 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker

Bruce Macpherson, Course Coordinator, Conservation and Land Management
East Gippsland Institute of TAFE, Forestech Campus
Bruce Macpherson has been working in cooperation with FOGL in the development of the project to explore impacts on native flora on Boole Poole Peninsula.

7.30 p.m. Annual General Meeting

    1. Welcome – to Members and Guests.
    2. Apologies
    3. Advice of Proxy appointment forms.
    4. Minutes of 2010 Annual General Meeting.
    5. Reports
    6. Election of Committee
    7. Other Business (on notice)

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